Dr Joe Bray

Memberships (professional bodies)

Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA)

Career summary

I joined the University of Sheffield in 2005, having previously worked at the Universities of Stirling and Strathclyde. I took my BA in English, MPhil in Linguistics and PhD in Literary Stylistics at the University of Cambridge.

Areas of interest / research

I am currently completing a monograph on the representation of portraiture in fiction in the Romantic period. The book looks at changes that portraiture was undergoing in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and how these are reflected in fiction.

Details of books/publications relating to your work on British portraiture

Book: The Portrait in Fiction of the Romantic Period (Ashgate, 2015)
Article: ‘Belinda, Emma, and the ‘Likeness’ of the Portrait’, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 33, 1 (2011): 1-15.