Inspiring Learning for All
Inspiring Learning For All (ILFA) is based around achieving learning outcomes for visitors and staff in museums, libraries and archives. (It can also be transferred into galleries and historic sites). It assists staff to make their site as accessible and inclusive as possible.
ILFA offers advice on putting learning programmes together based on Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) which are measurable through evaluation. These inter-linked GLOs are: Knowledge and Understanding; Skills; Activity, Behaviour and Progression; Enjoyment, Inspiration, Creativity; and Attitudes and Values.
Many museums, libraries and archives are now using ILFA as programming and evaluation tool in learning. This gives a common framework and language around learning across the sector.
The best way to find out more about ILFA is to work through the comprehensive website. Extra information is downloadable as and when you need it. It takes you through applying ILFA to your institution in a step by step process: ILFA website >>
An interesting and useful study on using GLOs as an indicator of learning is Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, ‘ Measuring learning in museums: the research and its findings’, GEM Journal No 28, p.4-13.