Many children with special educational needs and disabilities are taught alongside their peers in mainstream education. It is always worth checking with teachers when they are booking a session as to whether they have any pupils with SEN or access issues. Teachers will know whether their student may require a carer for the trip or not.


Some children with special educational needs and disabilities are often taught in units attached to mainstream schools or ‘special schools’:

  • More than half the pupils at special schools have either a moderate learning difficulty or a severe learning difficulty.
  • A further 13.7% have behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.


It is extremely important to make sure you use educators specially trained to deliver sessions to children and adults with disabilities and SEN.


Practical activities around portraits are great ways of exploring self-expression and relationships with others.


Often learning sessions can follow the same format as a schools session but be shorter and have a greater interactive element, for example using plasticine to model faces as you go around the gallery.


More information for parents on what defines special education needs and what provision there is for learning in schools Link >>


The National Portrait Gallery run a variety of SEN school workshops and sessions around portraiture Link >>


Theme – Sport



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